Prepare for tomorrow’s challenges and map your transformation journey! Join fellow manufacturing and supply chain leaders for thought leadership, networking and education at QAD Transform.
QAD is redefining the evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning. Join us on March 21st to take a deep dive into QAD ERP O³ - the next milestone release of our ERP.
Ignore Them at Your Own Peril.
The Industrial Transformation Platform is not a line item on a price list or a piece of software or service. It's the way QAD helps you change with change by optimizing people, processes and systems. Join us for an informative webinar and learn how to move from where you are today toward becoming an Adaptive Enterprise.
Customer Spotlight:
"You never think that you're going to be in a building that gets hit by a tornado." Learn how the second-largest Body-in-White and vehicle-frame supplier in North America restored operations in just 36 hours after suffering a direct hit from an EF-3 tornado, with help from the QAD Cloud.


Países que instalaram soluções da QAD

Mais de 4.000

Média de dias anuais que a QAD investiu no programa de engajamento do cliente

$11.4 trilhões

Receita anual gerada por clientes QAD

Conheça o software de ERP da QAD


Sobre a QAD

A QAD é uma empresa global que há mais de 40 anos e 25 anos no Brasil é especialista em soluções de gestão para industrias de manufatura. A QAD é a única opção para empresas que querem prosperar em um mundo disruptivo.


QAD na Indústria Automotiva

A QAD faz parte do dia a dia da indústria automotiva, ajudando nosso clientes a se reinventar todos os dias. Estamos presentes através de nossos clientes em 93 dos 100 automóveis mais vendidos no mundo.

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